Professional Career

Professional Career

Head of Sales DACH (Culcha GmbH)
Head of Business Development (Marquard Media Group AG)
Business Development Supervisor (MBE Deutschland GmbH)
Founder & CEO (Vadoli GmbH)
Business Development (Immobilien Scout GmbH)
Management Consultancy (Stabwechsel GmbH)
Business Development & Marketing (German Solar System GmbH)
Marketing (Softgames GmbH)
Founder & CEO (tellaclick GmbH)
Founder (students4school UG)
Guest Lecturer (Rackow Schulen GmbH)

Interims Management:

Medizinfuchs GmbH, Berlin (pharmaceutical healthcare)
Head of Business Development
Visual Meta GmbH, Berlin (e-Commerce)
Head of Sales DE / ATJeton e- Wallet – La Orange Ge LLC, London (FinTech)
Head of Business Development

German Solar System GmbH, Berlin/ Benevento (renewable energy)

Head of Business Development